Thursday, January 20, 2011

Steyn on Western culture

Interesting essay from Mark Steyn:
Dependence Day by Mark Steyn

Loathing Lieberman - or why Emily Bazelon is responsible for the "climate of hate."

Joe Lieberman's retirement announcement: Why I loathe him. - By Emily Bazelon - Slate Magazine

On the heels of the Tucson shooting we as a nation have come to realize how important rhetoric and tone is in our national conversations. As countless pundits have pointed out recently, we must temper our speech lest we influence others into committing violence. But here, almost a week after Tucson, we find that there has existed in Connecticut, for decades no less, a "Connecticut liberal cocktail party game" called "I hated Joe Lieberman before you hated Joe Lieberman" of which Emily is a longtime player. Not only does she not recant of her previous, no doubt, violence inducing behavior but the news of Lieberman's retirement in 2012 has sent her into a new tizzy of vile, reprehensible loathing. She laments that now she won't even have the opportunity to vote against him and "throw the bum out." And we know what that means, don't we?

Have you no shame, Emily? At long last, ma'am, have you no decency?

It is time for us to hold accountable those who are responsible for stirring up hate and bring civility back.