Monday, December 14, 2009

Obama grades himself on his first year: B+

Yeah... So this is all over the interwebs but I wanted to look at how he earned his B+.

Obama rattles off the list of things he believes earns him the grade. Hit the links after the jump and see if you agree.

Obama's comments are in the block quotes:
- "We stabilized the economy. Prevented the possibility of a great depression or a significant financial meltdown. The economy is growing again."

All of these revolved around the economy. I'm going to keep this pretty generic, so, just the short and sweet:
The good: GDP is growing again (3Q) and the Dow is up.
The bad: Unemployment is off the chart and so is our debt. (What's the point of a debt ceiling if we just raise it when we hit it?)
And the question on everyone's lips: How bad will the inflation be?



He continues:
- "We are on our way out of Iraq."

This takes big brass ones. Yeah, we are doing better in Iraq, no thanks to you. (Note that a Yea vote was a vote against the surge)

Pre-President Obama on the surge:

Maybe we aren't allowed to talk about that anymore though, hmm?

- "We've got the best possible plan on Afghanistan."

Well that's nice I suppose. Let's save the praise for actual results though, ok? McChrystal's requests were for 80, 40, or 20 thousand troops and Obama went with 34k. That said, I support the surge in Afghanistan and I believe we need to be successful there.

- "We have reset our image around the world."

Our image has improved post-Obama according to Pew - but, well, so what? What have we gained from all of this supposed good will? And there's been plenty of blunders along the way: snubs all around and betrayals of newer allies. That last one seems to have been in a bid to gain help in pressuring Iran. Will we get it? Err, well, maybe: "I mean, if we can find something we can all agree on, why then, by George, we'll agree on it!" The Chinese and Russians have the negotiating tap dance down to an art form. Will the Russians take this opportunity, after Obama canceled the Eastern European missile shield program, to make him look like a fool? With Putin calling the shots, who knows? I certainly wouldn't bet against it though.

- "We have achieved an international consensus around the need for Iran and North Korea to disable their Nuclear weapons."

Ahhhh, sweet, sweet, chocolaty consensus. No other word more warms a liberal's heart or more quickly brings a value-added tear to his eye. Note what he's really saying here though: We have a consenus... that we have a consensus! Yes, we all agree that Iran and NK should disable their nuclear weapons... but what are we prepared to actually do to make that happen? Will this consensus do us any damn good? We'll see. Chickens and hatching and all that jazz.

"If we pass health care then we tip into A-"

Speculatory wrap-up: not many of these are actual accomplishments. If Bush is to blame for many of the problems we face, as Obama implies in the beginning of his comments, well then at least he gets credit for the success in Iraq. Overall, my opinion is that the Obama administration has done a bit more harm to the economy than good, creating instability, uncertainty, and possible long term problems. (debt, inflation, more power in Washington) When I look at the big picture of the Obama administration's economic decisions I get the feeling of someone trying to set up their TV who has no idea what they are doing. Is that it? How about this? Does this help? What does this button do? If nothing else, they have fallen back on that long favored pastime of politicians: just be seen doing something, regardless of its actual effects. And I'd say all the free-love and consensus crap is worthless since it hasn't born any fruit vis a vis Iran or NK yet.(Maybe it will - but it hasn't yet) So at the very best we're left with a good decision in Afghanistan... and that's pretty much it.

Hmm, well, that's a mighty steep curve you grade on there, Bammy.

And is it me or does Oprah look surprised when he says B+?


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